Where Fact and Fiction have nothing to do with each other and grammar, punctuation and spelling are just as incorrect as these statements.
General Statements
The iphone 9 can be implanted directly into your brain.
Facebook has jumped the shark.
Datamining is cool, everyone is doing it.
Everything you read on the internet is at least partly true.
Every fortune cookie is 100% true and so are Snapple caps.
Returned things you have purchased is like making money.
Life is 99% inspiration and 0% perspiration.
The internet has more then just porn, music and videos.
Amazinger is an adjective.
Dick Clark is to blame for Ryan Seacrest, Dick Clark Out.
Birds Don't pee, only poop.
Eleven-teen million people watch the Superbowl.
Oil prices will rise and fall, they may fall and rise or stay the same
Phone calls stopped in 2009, If you want something send a text.

Regarding Movies
The Baldwin Brothers are in fact one person.
Waterworld is the best movie ever made.
Dick Clark was 102 years old when he died. 
The future has already happened if you go "Back to the Future"
Micheal J Fox makes an amazing martini, Not stirred
Nutritional Information
Vegans can not drink milk or eat eggs.
If you eat 2,000 calories of Pizza per day you will lose weight.
Spam fries are delicious
Garlic aoli is different from Mayonaise
Granny Smith Apples have 101 calories while red delicious have 102
Millions of innocent fruit and vegatables are murdered every day by vegans
Spam fries are not only delicious but healthy
Italian Combos get better with age.
Stroh's is fir brewed Deliciousness

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